In this time, give it to me easy

It’s a rainy Monday. And I’m way behind in posting. But it’s the Monday after Halloween, which fell on a Saturday this year. I’m not pulled together yet. I don’t anticipate being pulled together until Wednesday.


I’ve been writing. A lot. I’m in no position to post any of it. I’ve got a post in the works to address the newbies, there are quite a few of you lately (❤) but, that’s not happening today, so let me refer you to this gem from the past that was written to familiarize new followers on how things go down over here in SlackerTown (coined, trademarked, it’s mine now 😘)

All you’ve ever wanted to know about the Frazzled Slacker

-In desperate need of some slack time,

4 responses to “In this time, give it to me easy

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