Every other day of the week is fine

It’s Monday.


No other day of the week makes me feel like writing more. Something about a Monday morning, going back to work, filing the memories of the weekend away for good, having to put real pants on…it’s all is just so much blah.


I’m never less motivated to do what I get paid to do and extremely motivated to do all those things I don’t get paid to do, than a Monday morning.


You’d think that after being continuously employed since November 1997 that I would have learned the art of just getting down to business on a Monday morning, but…nope.


(prior to 11/97 I was employed full-time but was still fully embracing my Slacker Lifestyle and would change jobs every so often, with padded in “vacation” time in between transitions)


I could list reasons why I’m not a fan of Monday, but my reasons are no more unique than anyone else’s…I really have nothing to add to that conversation.


It’s simply a matter of not being Oprah rich and needing to stay gainfully employed so that I can keep myself in pizza and fruity wines. That, and I just don’t like doing things unless I want to.


Like this. I like doing this. Writing a pointless post about how I am not motivated to work just so I can share some Monday memes.


Now I’m off to a bunch of Monday morning meetings. Which means I will be carousing the internet snapping up memes that make me laugh. Because I like doing that and I’m the boss of me.


Hope your Monday is a good one, Frazzled Followers (❀)


Slacking Monday style,


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